Thursday, August 23, 2012

30 days...or not???

So I got in my car yesterday and realized that I had only about 30 days left of my South African Adventure.  A mixed bag of emotions came over me.  Of course I am so excited to get back to the homeland, my family, my friends and my kitties,  but I truly was saddened by what I have to say good bye to.  I then turned on the radio and Bruce Springsteen came on and Born In The USA was pumping throughout my American Chevy automobile.  I was stoked  The sadness went to pure excitement.  I walked in to work and my boss and the director asked me to stay an additional 2 weeks.  And there it was...the pure joy of going home being kicked right out of me. 

Now please don't get me wrong.  I love it here.  I especially fell in love with the great people I met and the environment.  However not to sound too cliche, there is no place like home.  And to now know I have to stay till October is a little disheartening.  BUT...I plan on making the most of it.  I will get to spend more quality time with the amazing people I have met, go to places I haven't been and soak in more of the culture.  It truly is a win for me.  2 additional weeks isn't that long, but I am sure it might feel like forever.  I am positive though that I will have plenty to do, places to see, and delicious food to eat.  And let's not forget the weather is getting AWESOME!  High today 79 with bright blue skies and sun.  No humidity and a slight breeze.  Amazing.  This also gives me some time to lose the muffin top!!!  :-(

I will take this opportunity to start preparing my top 10 things I will miss from South Africa.  But in the meantime....I will prepare for my trip to Egypt (on labor day weekend) 

1 comment:

  1. OH EM GEEE!!

    1) You're actually staying on, so we'll get to spend some time going over all our learnings, which is AWESOME! (It's confirmed, right?)

    2) Your Egypt trip is almost here! Brilliant! It'll be interesting - like Swaziland in some ways, and different in so many others. Just try to zone out in traffic or you'll die a thousand deaths of fear.
