Sunday, August 19, 2012

Swaziland part 2

So I might have a fabulous place to stay in Jo'burg and accommodations that are fit for someone more important then me, however let's not forget how hard I work for these perks.  Swaziland this week not only  had wildfires that I had to deal with it also had gruesome hours and work load.  This is my job however so I must do it to my best capability.  6 am flight on Monday with a  full day work.  I enjoyed a delicious meal only to start the day bright and early by 7 am the next day.  I worked till about 5pm (which doesn't sound too bad)  however I had about 3 hours to recooperate and eat only to go back to the plant by 9:30 pm and then finally leave at 1 am.  After about 4 hours of sleep, I had to wake up and doing all over again.  Very rough week however I think it was worth it. 

I drove for the first time in Swaziland.  It was pretty easy to maneuver, but there are no street lights and it is pitch black, and the addition of the smoke from the fires didn't help matters either.  When I was in Swaziland, they had a thunderstorm which made the power go out.  I was walking in the middle of the botanical garden and then it went PITCH BLACK.  I will have to admit, it was the most scared I have been since I landed in South Africa.  It was a scene right out of a horror movie.  LOL!  If anyone knows the Summerfield Botanical Gardens, they can tell you that it is a maze of paths with grass fields and flowers.  When the power goes out, there is nothing!!!  I have NEVER been so glad to have an I PHONE.  After the power went out and my mini panic attack happened, I grabbed my phone and turned on the LED light.  I got my barrings and walked briskly to the hut.  Speaking of the hut...I got upgraded to a suite.  Not that I was able to use it since I worked the whole time, but it is nice for a couple who are vacationing.   

The weather here is finally getting warmer.  The high's for the next week look to be in the upper 70's.  Winter is gradually ending and with a bang.  I still can't get over the snow.  LOL!  Nor can other citizens here.  When I was leaving Swaziland the only thing that was on the news was the shoot out from the miners.  The pictures they showed on the local news and on the newspapers was disturbing.  I can imagine how people were referring it back to the apartheid era.  The miners want and deserve more money and when workers don't get what they want they strike.  A common thing ALL over the world.  However the actions taken to solve the situation differ from region to region.  Not to say that the United States is a tactical force at dispersing a situation like so.  The states actually have their own issues...different then here, but somehow related.  In the end, the same thing occurs....multiple stories and recreations of the incident and the blame game.  It doesn't matter what or who was the cause, a large amount of people died for no reason..  The last thing a growing nation needs in more factors that make the government unstable.  This incident is definitely rocking the boat and making the people nervous and angry.  This isn't just in South Africa is the world. 

Speaking of people being nervous, I ran into a peacock at the Botanical Garden.  I never knew that the female peacock is so ugly and the male is the attractive one.  Anyway..the male didn't want anything to do with me when I was trying to take its picture.  It looked at me and flung at me.  I never let out a larger scream then that moment.  LOL!  I started to back up and walk away from it.  It sounded like it was hissing at me.  I think this male peacock had a vendetta against me because at 4 am it was perched outside my door giving me a wake up call.  Let's just say he wasn't my biggest fan! 

I hope you all are having a fabulous weekend.  I spent the weekend lounging around, having a few drinks with my dear friend Yvette and went to see a movie.  The Expendables 2.  If you haven't seen it you should.  It is entertaining.  And there is Jason Statham.  Enough said!  :-)    Here are some pics from the trip....

Female peacock
Another female peacock
  Living room in Manzini.  Check out Marilyn in the background
changing area
Front door
View from my window
View from the dinner table
I belive this is the bastard who attacked me. 
And his brother......
Happy Sunday!!! 

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