Saturday, September 22, 2012

Top 10 South African Style

To all my blog followers, I can not believe I am typing this...but this is my last official blog in South Africa.  My 3 months has come and gone in a blink of an eye.  I had an amazing adventure in which I hope you all were able to join in by reading this blog.  During this experience, I created meaningful friendships that will last a life time, I tried food I never thought I would eat, I saw sites that were amazing and created memories that will be in my mind and heart forever. 

I want to say thank you to everyone who has been so warm, open and loving to me during my visit.  Without all of you my experience would not be the same.  South Africa is a lovely country with rich history and amazing humble people.  My life has been placed in perspective.  It is a different life style here compared to the hustle of the US.  Some people here have a view of Americans, just like us Americans have a view of South Africa.  It was great to hear others regarding my country and they were even more intrigued to hear what I thought about theirs.  South Africa is beautiful.  It has the small scale feel of a BIG city, it has people of all races, creed and color, they have political madness, they have poverty but it is mirrored by the wealth as well.  It is a developing nation and yet has the desire and love in it's people to make it wealthy. 

I am very sad to leave the people and the land.  However, my life is back in the United States and I am extremely excited to see my family and friends.  I also can't wait to bring my new found friends to America as well.  Give them a great experience as much as they did for me.

So here it is....the NOT top 10 and Top 10 of South Africa.

Top 10 Things I will miss: (in no particular order)
1.  Vanilla Ice Cream  It is by far the best ice cream I have ever had in my life
2.  Workers that I have encountered in the plants are so humble
3.  Yvette's cooking and my new found love for coconut curry salmon and bread pudding
4.  South African value family values
5.  Scenery and land
6.  Ambition to learn and strive for more
7.  All the free give aways at work
8.  The weather....WINTERS...Ha!
9.  Currecny exchange (9 dollars for 4 double drinks and 2 shots...seriously???)
10.  Absolutely by far I will miss my new friends and family!!!!

Honorable mentions:
KFC signs (they are everywhere)..that is the way you give landmarks!!!
Levi, Savannah and Tegon (the pets at the lodge)
Having someone make my bed and cook for me everyday
Chutney flavored chips

Not top 10 of South Africa
1.   Gigantic Bugs that are the size of small children
2.  The sport of Cricket....I think I ams till watching the same game since I got here
3.  Metric systems..Still can't convert without Siri and she sucks in South Africa
4.  My boat of a car. How I ended up with the largest car in South Africa is beyond me
5.  Egypt...Yes, the whole country with the exception of a few people
6.  Johannesburg signs.  I mean come on people.  If I am driving 120km on a highway how am I suppose to read a sign that has 50 different arrows pointing in 10 different directions all with words on it?  Words might I add that have about 15 letters each ...all consonants.
7.  Door locks  I have major issues with freaken South Africa locks
8.  Having seen all the sitcom shows or movies already since everything is delayed here
9.  The post office...what a headache
10.  Knowing that I can eat a whole bag of chips that they constitute "family size"

Honorable mentions:
Slow Internet
Shops closing at 5
Traffic lights always out
No lights on the highways or roads!!!

All my love to South Africa, my family and friends!!!


  1. Best post ever!

    "Cricket is a game which the English, not being a spiritual people, have invented in order to give themselves some conception of Eternity." ­— Stormont Mancroft, 2nd Baron Mancroft

    But seriously, America, just get with the Metric system. It will make everyone's lives a lot easier.
