Monday, September 3, 2012


Ok..let's try this again.  I don't know what the hell the travel company did to my itinerary, but yesterday's flight was a bust.  I packed got to the airport in record time only to fight with the rude lady at the counter for an hour.  She couldn't talk because she had a sore throat.  I kept asking her what she was saying and she was getting annoyed that I couldn't understand her.  Well, she had something coming because the last thing I needed at that moment was for her to be rude to me.  So in pure Danielle fashion I asked her what  the hell a customer service rep was doing at work when she couldn't talk?  She didn't like that comment and then insisted on me telling her why I was travelling to Cairo.  In my response I told her she was a ticket agent not customs so she can worry about finding my ticket and I will worry about my work.  Needless to say I walked away without a ticket.  Stupid freaken travel agency.  Well, let's just say I was not happy.  Nor was my boss or the director.  After a massive debate and e-mail bitch fest I am finally waiting to board my plane. I finally come!!!!

I probably will not have very much time to travel.  My work itinerary is jammed pack.  But here is hoping I will be able to see something in the remaining 3 days I am there.  Not only do I want to experience Egypt, I know my fellow blogger's do as well.  Maybe I will be able to get some cool pictures.  As of now enjoy the picture of the Egypt Air Lounge. 

SPEAK TO ALL WHEN I LAND IN EGYPT!!!  Enjoy your last labor day off everyone!!! 

1 comment:

  1. > I told her she was a ticket agent not customs so she can worry about finding my ticket and I will worry about my work.

    BWAHAHAHA!!! I just wish I'd been there to see this!
