Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Let the journey begin!

I have landed in Washington after one terrible turbulent flight. I am sitting in the Lufthansa business lounge drinking a whiskey and looking over work notes and logistics for this trip. I can't help but still be sad from leaving my home, family and friends, but reality is setting in and the excitement is building. I have about an hour and a half to kill before my flight to Jo'burg. I hope you all are having a great day so far and my next post will officially be in Africa's Big Apple!!!

Ps. Both pieces of luggage totaled over 100 pounds. Hopefully David is strong cause he has some heavy lifting to do at the airport when he picks me up.


  1. My Yelzie Bear is on her way. This is her sister Dawn. Big trip, long journey, great excitement. I don't even have a passport! Proud of our baby girl. She is awesome, smart, and loved!!! Miss u already. Safe flight. I am waiting till. 9:30 am eastern time she will be on South African soil and no longer in the air drinking champagne, eating filet and lobster. (actually chicken for Danielle) and being treated like a princess. Flying doesn't sound so bad now does it!! Love ya Danielle.

  2. Hey girl just wanted to have a post for you when you landed in South Africa that shows you how much I love you and miss you. I am so proud of you today, tomorrow and forever. Love Dorene
